Linux - screen



All commends lead by ctrl+a, followed by ? to check the entire reference.

  1. c create new window
  2. n and p: next window / previous window
  3. w to see all windows
  4. (ctrl+)" goes directly to the wanted window
  5. A change the window’s name (default: bash)
  6. k kill this window
  7. \ quit screen and kill all windows
  8. d detach from a screen session to the main console, screen -r return to the screen session
  9. What if we have multiple screen sessions? First, use screen -ls to check all screen sessions with ids, then usescreen -r 1234 to attach a certain session

Keep processes running after we disconnected

  1. Enter screen by screen
  2. Create a new window c
  3. Run the process here
  4. Detach screen d
  5. Disconnect
